The Bold & Classy Subscription Promotion
Monthly Package includes
Monthly Newsletter
10% off B&C Travel Boutique
B& C Official Logo T-Shirt
Premier Subscriber Pin
1 Private Event for all premier subscribers hosted by The B&C
Entered into a drawing for a FREE Cruise
Expert trip planning and five-star service
Personal Client Portal
Access to monthly promos for upcoming travel and events.
Cost: $9.99 per mth. Min. 6 month subscription
Yearly Package Includes
Monthly Newsletter
10% off B&C Travel Boutique
10% discount on all events booked through B&C this does not include B&C hosted events and tours? Destinations ect. Must be a new booking made outside our regular scheduled events
B & C Official Logo T-Shirt
Premier Subscriber Pin
Entered into a drawing for a FREE Cruise
Entered into a drawing for $500.00 cash
1 Private Event for all premier subscribers hosted by The B&C
Expert trip planning and five-star service
Personal Client Portal
Access to monthly promos for upcoming travel and events.
Yearly subscription $99.00 paid up front.